Day 3 C/CMSgt Mitchell and C/CMSgt Moss 0530 in the morning, cadets are awakened and rushed off to PT. Indian runs, crunches, squats and more exercises, the cadets were tired and hungry by the time formation came. Breakfast was greatly appreciated and cadets had heaps of good food on their trays, including the required powerade and water. After breakfast the cadets got the chance to use the FATS (Fire Arms Training Simulator) and do some drill inspections, and also take part in TLPs (team leadership projects). Some cadets had a chance to go on glider flights after lunch. They reported a very fun time. During the afternoon, cadets had several classes and also some drill time to work on some cadences. The flight guidons were brought out today, with the flights assigning cadets to be the guidon bearers. NCOLS Students spent time in leadership training classes and hands on barracks inspection classes. They took turns commanding the flight for drill and honing their leadership skills. Honor Guard participated in many activities including a military funeral. SSgt Clark and MSgt Evans from the VTNG Base Honor Guard provided funeral training. Much of the afternoon was spent on their rooms and flight time. It is now almost time for lights out. "Goodnight cadets" the Flight Sergeant yells. "Goodnight Sergeant!" they shout back. And the lights go out. Another great day spent encampment and many more to come. |