Cadet's Arrival
7/17/16 C/CMSgt Mitchell Today the academy staff woke up to the sound of birdsong and sight of mist rising off the green Vermont landscape. The day started mildly overcast but cool and the staff was excited about the cadet's coming arrival. C/Capt. Drew started the staff off with a brief tour of the campus. After, everyone headed off to make final preparations and go over procedures for in processing. At 1000 the staff headed over to chow for a hearty brunch. In-processing took place at 1200 with the hustle and bustle of cadets arriving, getting their gear, and unpacking. All the while staff helped them arrive efficiently with stern guidance. Following in processing, the cadets had time to set up their barracks and have flight time to get to know their flight staff. The friendly welcome and safety briefing was given by Lt. Col. Lamontogue where cadets were encouraged to participate and have fun. Dinner was soon after with strict etiquette and customs and courtesies enforced. At 2100 (9:00PM) the cadets were instructed to go to bed, only to have the fire alarms go off in an unexpected fire drill. The cadets were rushed outside where attendance was reported. The cadets went to bed a second time, this time to get the well needed sleep for the busy days ahead. |